This weekend is opening weekend for archery hunting and my two guys are ready to go. If you have been following along with the Deer Hunter saga you now I’ve been having quite a bit of fun at their expense. Well, folks the time has come. Nope, they didn’t get a deer yet, but my husband’s shot has improved monumentally. I’m a little nervous.

As we left Spokane Friday night the first snow of the season was falling. We thought for sure there would be a lot up in Kettle Falls, but there wasn’t. The snow came over night and the higher you went the more there was.

The hunters were up before sunlight and dressed in full winter regalia. I stifled a laugh because the first image which came to mind, was the little boy from A Christmas Story. The one who couldn't hardly move.  My luck and more importantly the deer’s luck might be coming back. How can he stand and shoot an arrow with all that clothing? How can they both fit in the tree-stand. The mysteries of maneuvering in layers of winter clothes are still a secret.

As they rode off into the cold, damp dark morning, I dove right back into bed under a thick blanket, wearing my hoodie sweatshirt, pajama pants and wool socks. Very Victoria Secret. I know, I know, you are wondering how my husband could leave such a sexy she-devil in the cold, but he did. I’m going to need to work on my winter trousseau.

Noah came back a few hours later to get something to eat. I suspect it was torture for him to sit still and be quiet for more than five minutes. He ate some breakfast then rode the 4 wheeler hard and fast to get the energy out while awaiting the call to return to stillness.

When the boys were back in their tree fort I went up the mountain to see Sky. The higher I went the more the road  became slippery. It was a sheet of ice. I’ve live up here for 14 years now, but I still consider myself a Florida driver. I hate driving on ice, not to mention their isn’t de-icer up here at least there wasn’t yesterday. The roads are narrow with lots of curves and a switch back here and there. There's lots of trees to hit and a few places to fall off the mountain.

I drove up and was feeling confident and safe. I put the truck into 4 wheel drive and drove slow. It was all good until I ran across a car kissing a tree. Ut-oh…At least there was nobody in it and I’m assuming they are o.k. I did just get re-certified in first aid and CPR, but I can assure you I’m not the one to count on in a medical emergency. Unless I gave birth to you I don’t handle body fluids, broken bones, internal hemorrhaging, external hemorrhaging or any other problems. I will offer you a glass of water and call 911. So, this particular accident worked out for the best. I was not called to medical duty. Although, I must admit I did pretty well in class with the bossy talking defibulator.

Meanwhile, back at the  ranch...I ran to Sky and she ran to me in slow motion. It was beautiful.

I missed her so much. I groomed her and worked with her on ground manners in the indoor arena. Then I visited with her friends, the barn cats and the sheep. Why isn’t this my house? Why?????? I’m meant to be here. I'm part of the land.  I feel like one of Nora Robert's characters in a western romance except when I'm doing it with my husband I'm not equating sex with my view of the land or my views on life.What I'm really thinking is none of your dang business!

I left  Sky a little earlier than I wanted, because the day warmed up but then it started to cool down. I knew the road was going to be slicker than before. As usual, I was right! The roads were slicker and my knuckles went white as I passed the car still making out with the tree. Which is pretty funny considering I was wearing black gloves. The car hasn’t been moved. I’ll just stop, no make that slide an additional 500 feet so I can endanger my life to take a picture for you. See, I would do anything for my readers. Anything at all, except for medical emergency care then I’m sorry you are kind of on your own. I believe I have already covered this part. 

When I got back to camp the animal group PITA greeted me. No, not the delicious Middle Eastern bread you stuff food in and call it a diet and they are certainly not the animal activist group PETA where they throw blood on furs and pose naked with animals. It’s the animal group dubbed PITA because they are Pains in the Ass. These are not country dogs and are in the camper more than outside. As you can see they are not pugs, toy poodles or any kind of dog that fits in your purse. They are big and I love them. When Moose lies in the spot by the door he resembles a mobile bear rug, except you can’t step on him. My husband loves me so much to put up with this.

When Chris came back to take a lunch break he told me about all the turkeys that came over to the feed pile. They had to scare them away three times. What!? I want to see the turkeys close up and get a picture so I went back with him to the tree stand and sat.And sat. And sat, but I wasn't very quiet.  I really was hoping no deer came by while I was up there with him because he would’ve taken a shot. I don’t think I could handle it. It’s still my lucky day, no deer came by but the turkeys were really far away and not coming any closer. I’m outta here. There is no way I could sit that long up in a tree being quiet without a book, snacks or a cabana boy to rub my feet.

The deer came out to play at the end of day light. By the time they were in target range it was too dark to take a shot. Poor hunters. Lucky deer. Today is another day and the boys are back out there again only today the snow is really coming down.

To Be Continued………………

on Nov 17, 2009

Fun read, Kelly.  Beautiful pictures, too.