Published on November 2, 2009 By KellyW0498 In Blogging

JUWC: More than 10 million prescription medications are filled incorrectly every year. Write about them.  Courtesy of The Writer's Block.  ( I'm going weekly, not daily)


If you are not familiar with JUWC: JoeUser Writing Club, here's the deal. Use the prompt and write a story, poem, song, whatever and post it to your blog. Provide a link here so we can all see.

Get writing.

on Nov 03, 2009

How do you become a member?  Invite?  Application?  Just jump in and pretend you belong?  Hmmm?

on Nov 04, 2009

BFD..Anyone can play. Consider yourself officially invited. I don't know who's still playing, but I hope you will come along. Write away..BFD...and then put a link here. I will spread the word some more.

on Nov 04, 2009
on Nov 04, 2009

I don't really have time to do a I'm stealing a one-liner from a character I'm currently working on....

"Come.  Borrow Death for a little while."

on Nov 04, 2009

 Tonya, anything goes in the JUWC!!!! I like the saying now I want to read the rest. I still need to read the rest of the Vegas story.